Unlocking the puzzles of peak engagement and performance
Elmira Bakhshalian
Martin Reddington
First Edition published 2017
Presented with a puzzling array of theories and consultancies, all seemingly offering ‘Best in Class’ solutions, how do you choose the most appropriate one for your organisation? “Unlocking the puzzles of Peak Engagement and Performance” provides an examination of the puzzles that characterise the pursuit of Peak Engagement and Performance in the workplace to help answer this question. The evidence is drawn from developments in academic publications, research by consultancies and organisation case studies. PEP® Dr includes a handy assessment and measurement framework for taking an evidence-based approach and other fascinating insights such as applying the universal laws of nature to the dynamics of the workforce. It is our intention to present it in a way which will be accessible and understandable to all – not just an academic and professional elite – using embedded audio and video content to bring aspects of the evidence to life in new ways. The book can be downloaded from both the Apple Book and Google Play stores (RRP £14.99).

Free sample available:
A free ‘taster’ version, PEP® Dr Junior is also available.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018